Grow your business with this top email marketing Services

How to Grow your business with email marketing 

   Do you have or need to begin a business? Would you like to develop your internet-based business? Assuming this is the case, you know or should realize that you should have a decent product and a generally excellent advertising plan to have an effective business. also, as I would like to think, any effective business depends 80% on advertising and balance 30% on the actual item. so here I need to acquaint you with the most significant and best way of advancing your email marketing business.

What is email marketing? 


     Email marketing is the act of using emails to promote your business or product by sending these emails to the targeted customers. but since doing that manually would take a lot of effort and time there are ways and programs to do that in a very effective and amazing way that would boost your sales tremendously. Before I start talking about the different ways to start your email marketing campaign, I want you to know that the biggest advantages of email marketing are price and ease.

Now, what are the different ways to start your email marketing system?

 To have a complete email marketing system you need an email marketing application and an SMTP service. So you have three options as follow: 

Option 1: Signing up with an email marketing company. 
Option 2: Installing your own email marketing application but you need to subscribe to an SMTP service. 
Option 3: Building everything from scratch you will install and use your own email marketing application and your own SMTP service. 

 To help you choose which option of the above mentioned is the best for your business, I will try to explain when you can use each option. 

What are the best options for you? 

    Choosing the best option for you depends on your scenario or your business because we have two types of email marketers. These two types are either Bulk mailers (Cold Mailers) who send bulk emails or the second type are like some online businesses collect emails of potential customers and grow their list and start to send promotional emails.

If you are a beginner you can go with one of the first two options but sometimes it gets too costly if you want to send emails to a large number of potential customers, for example, if you go with Mailchimp and you choose the standard option you will have to pay around 200$ for 25K contact. But if you are a bulk mailer, I am advising you not to go into that road if you decide to go with option one or two because you will be blocked and black-listed from the companies you decide to go with. So my advice to you is to go with the third option: building everything from scratch and having your own email marketing application and SMTP service which is much cheaper and better for your business in the future. 

Who can go with the third option? 

People who are on a low budget, have their own websites, collect emails or have something to promote, and so on. And this is the best option for anyone you want the best for their business.

 But if you don’t want to deal with SMTP then you can go with the second option and get your own email marketing application like MailWiz and to go with a premium SMTP service like SES amazon (AWS amazon) where you can send 100k email for only 10$


 So to summer things up if you have the knowledge and the time the best option for you is the third option, but if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of SMTP setting, you can go with the second option which is the best option for beginners who are on a low budget in my opinion or else you can go with the first option if you want to target a short email list. Some examples for email marketing services websites: Here I chose for you the best websites with their features:


A powerful, simplified tool to send emails, create pages and automate your marketing. GetResponse gives you the power to set up Your Sales Funnel, run webinars, build landing pages, generate leads, and automate everything, all from one place. 

 ConvertKit is a full-featured email service provider (ESP). Thanks to its ease of use, automation, and other features, it’s one of the fastest-growing email marketing companies around. It also offers customizable sign-up forms and landing pages to help bring in more email subscribers 

Glass Turns your Gmail/Gsuite account into a full email marketing system, It is a Great Service for cold outreach emails. It allows you to schedule, track, and follow emails within your Gmail Account.

 4- DEBOUNCE - Fast & Accurate Email Validation Tool

Don't let bounce, disposable, spam-trap, and deactivated emails decrease your sending reputation, waste your time and money. debounce allows you to validate and clean your email lists with the cheapest pricing out there. 

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